Friday, November 12, 2010

November 17th - Community Resources Day!

Please click on the attached for our November 17th agenda and/or the speaker profiles.  Looking forward to seeing all of you!

November Agenda
Speaker Profiles

1 comment:

  1. At the LO Adult Community Center I set down with four elderly ladies for lunch. One of the question I ask them was "Do you use the Internet?" One of the lady's Grandma Ann was excited to tell me all the thing she and her daughter was doing to buy and distribute school supply and how they use the website to make School Supply contribution across the United States. She was excited to tell me she purchase 400 dictionary at $1 a piece and how she and her daughter would go to the Dollar Store and buy school supply. At 74 she exhibited Leadership thru small acts of kindness and in her words "paying it forward" Thank you Grandma Ann for all you do!
