Saturday, September 25, 2010

Community Service Opportunities

Hi all,
We had a wonderful time at the retreat!  I will be uploading some pictures of your adventures in a few days.  For now, please check out the following Community Service Opportunities!

We received the following from former LOL student, Sid Sin (please note that the survey closes tomorrow):

My name is Sidaro Sin and I was in Leadership about three years ago….time just flies.

I had a project that I thought the leadership class might be interested in.  I’m the project manager for the City’s Comprehensive Plan (Plan) update.  The Plan is the City’s blueprint for economic development, transportation, parks, housing, etc for the next 25 years.  We currently need residents of LO and people who own a business or land in LO to take the survey.  The results of the survey will be the basis of the City’s vision for the future.

How can Leadership get involved?
1) Short quick involvement - ask members to take the on-line survey (if they’re a resident of LO or own a business/land).  The survey closes on September 26.
 Click on the link for the survey (they’re anonymous) and check out the short video.
2)  More of a commitment, but fun and informative - participate in upcoming public meetings:
a)  October 12 & 16 meetings – share results of survey and talk about community values, desired future, strategies to get us there
                b) December meeting – Review 3-5 options of how the city could look based on the vision.
                c)  Many more opportunities

Thanks for your time.

Sidaro (Sid) SinLEED AP
Senior Planner
City of Lake Oswego
Planning and Building Services
503.697.7421 (phone)

We received the following from 2009 student, Julia Warren:

Hello Leadership Family,

The Lake Oswego Fire Department is holding a very important event on Saturday, October 9th, from 11am-3pm at the Main Fire Station in Lake Oswego to celebrate the Centennial and honor NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION MONTH.

They will have experienced personnel at various booths to discuss fire safety, rescue, medical, and boat patrol. They will have tours of the Fire Department, the Boat, and a Fire Truck. There will even be a special guest appearance by…(drum roll)… me. We’ll have handouts, stickers, fire hats, anything you will ever need to know about keeping yourself and your family safe.

Kids will love this event! It coincides with the last Farmer’s Market of the year so you can hit both events on the same trip. The Main Fire Station is on 3rd Street and B Avenue, just west of Chuck’s Coffee and north of the Farmer’s Market. Siobhan, know any Troops that would be interested in something like this? I’ve attached the flyer for your review (artist is the poster contest winner).

Spread the word like Wild Fire! Er…then come to the event and learn how to put that fire out.

Julia Warren

**********Please feel free to contact either person directly with questions!*********

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Important Documents!

As we continue through the year, we will provide links to important documents via the blog as well as email.  Here are links to some of the current documents we have provided:

Synergo Release and Information
WEB Parking
Retreat Information

Watch the blog for suggested readings, city events, and other documents that might be helpful!

Opportunity for Community Service!

A great opportunity to get involved!  The City of Lake Oswego is coordinating a drug take-back event on November 13 from 10-2pm at the Adult Community Center.  Interested in volunteering? If so, please contact:

Bonnie Hirshberger
Citizen Information Specialist
City of Lake Oswego

Bonnie was a tri-chair last year, and some of our classmates from the 2009 class took part in this event and loved it.  Enjoy!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Very Successful Meet & Greet!

It was so nice to experience the energy and excitement at our Meet & Greet last week.  Thank you to everyone who was able to come out for the event.  We are gearing up for our retreat - it is truly going to be an unforgettable start to a great year.  Enjoy the photos!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Leadership Lake Oswego 2010 kicks off September 9th!

We are looking forward to meeting all of our new participants next week at the Leadership Lake Oswego Meet & Greet Event!  This blog will highlight the events of the year, serve as a resource to participants, and allow for discussion and comments.  We are so excited to get this year underway!